Weekend Getaway from Singapore

For a weekend getaway from Singapore visit Bukit Timah Nature Reserve

Singapore has become one of the busiest countries of the world these days. There has been tremendous amount of development that is going on in Singapore on a daily basis. People here are living a very hectic life and always look forward to weekend for getting a time off work and spend time with family and friends. Weekends not only provide an escape from the regular day to do day life but also makes your mind fresh and ready to tackle new challenges at work. According to a survey the best weekend getaway from Singapore for people with hectic lifestyle is nature reserves.

Attractions at Bukit Timah Nature Reserve-

One of the most preferred nature reserve in the entire Singapore is Bukit Timah Nature Reserve. It is the only place which contains Singapore’s highest hill and the oldest remaining rainforest. It provides home to more than 500 animal species and more than 840 flowering plants. It covers a land of almost 3,000 hectares. Apart from this there is a must-see visitor’s centre and also some great rock-climbing for people with adrenaline rush. It is considered as one of the best choice for a weekend gateway from Singapore. If you are spending a weekend in Singapore then you must go here.

click here: http://verzinc.com/getsherious/


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